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Available for Speaking Engagements

Gwendolyn Williams, Speaker, Life and Relationship Coach, navigating Women into True Worth, from Pain to Purpose into their Next Level! Every Gift goes through a cultivation process, from discovery to operating successfully in Purpose and that journey is no walk in the park! The joy of fulfilling your Purpose is a beautiful thing and an amazing feeling but it will cost you something to get there! As a matter of fact, it will cost you Everything! 


There was a time when I didn't know my own True Worth, Purpose and my Next Level was nowhere to be found! Self-sabotage was a lifestyle, I made so many horrible mistakes and went through a living hell! I experienced molestation at 15 years old, I had a personal battle with drugs, I almost spent time in the federal penitentiary, divorced three times but I married the same man twice, was in horrible relationships, same Men but different names, lost everything, my career, half million dollar home, luxury cars and so much more! I was clinically diagnosed with depression and major anxiety and I almost lost my mind and my life because I gave up and didn't want to live anymore! I went through private pain and public humiliation both at the same time! My life was a mess, a train wreck and a total facade!


Now one might say why is Gwendolyn being so transparent? Or one might say, I could never embarrass myself by airing out my dirty laundry like this! There was a time when I was so private, so ashamed of my past, suffering in silence and fear literally paralyzed me and mentally incarcerated me! The pain and disappointment in myself became so severe, my spirit just couldn't take it anymore and I finally got to a point where Enough is Enough, either I sink or swim!


I Found the courage to face myself and took responsibility for my poor choices and that's when my journey to Wellness and Healing began! I went to Counseling and into Constant Deep Prayer and Meditation, had lots of Quiet Time and Wise Counsel, Heaven Sent Mentors, Higher Learning and my determination to fight like hell changed my entire life and gave me a whole new Mindset! I was hurting so bad that I didn't even realize I was in bootcamp, intense training to prepare my for the front line and for battle, to fight for others! I had to experience a great level of pain in order to be qualified to Take The Pain Away! I finally understood why my spirit wouldn't allow me to give up because I had a Purpose To Serve and Work To Do!


Empathy and an Abundance of Experience is now my portion because I've been in her shoes, I know and care about how she feels and what she's going through because I Am Her And She Is Me! I have the wisdom and foundational tools to get her unstuck, out of whatever problem she's in! Even though the molestation at 15 years old wasn't my fault, I was determined to not let it destroy me! I took ownership of the self-inflicted pain, poor choices, self-sabotage, I took responsibility, did my work and I paid the price! No more pity parties, playing the victim or making excuses, Life happened because of my choices but I’m An Overcomer and what didn't kill me made me Stronger and Wiser! God Qualified Me, Humbled Me, Gave Me a Tender Heart and Purpose and it made me the Caring and Amazing Woman That I Am Today!


Opening up and releasing all of that toxicity created a Beautiful Powerful Space for my New Beginning! Here's what I want to say to Women Everywhere, IT'S TIME TO SET YOURSELVES FREE AND COME OUT OF HIDING! No more suffering in silence because when we do that, we're only hurting ourselves! Women are so Powerful, so Amazing, Wise and Loving Nurturers by Nature! It's Our Time for an Abundance of Self-Care, to give Ourselves Our Very Best, to become the Creative, Unstoppable, Wise Women God Created us to be and to Unapologetically give these Gifts to Ourselves and Pay It Forward to others! It's time that we do an assessment to discover and remove every stumbling block and hindrance that's keeping us from our Healthy and Wealthy places! 


It's Our Winning Season and the one thing I finally realized during the worst times of my life is I couldn't get free without help and I couldn't do it by myself!!! You're Not Alone and you can’t do it by yourself because if you could, it would be done by now! I, Gwendolyn Williams would Love to give you what I've always wanted and needed! A Safe Space, Love, Support, Confidentiality, Strategy, Authenticity, Effective Foundational Tools, Wisdom, Value, a Roadmap and The Very Best That I’ve Got To Help You Win!! Let's Soar together in Life, Relationships, Purpose and Prosperity! How Can I, Gwendolyn, Serve you Ladies?


Career Highlights:


  • Former Exec To Kings Of Industries

  • Personal Stylist/Personal Shopper

  • Writer

  • Voice Over Expert

  • Thought Leader

  • Strategist

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